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Winsor Primary School


It is vital for your child’s learning that they attend school regularly.

Therefore, your child is expected to attend school every day unless they are ill or have a medical appointment.

If your child is absent from school, please let us know the reason by phoning the school, on the first morning of their absence.

If your child is absent a great deal or if your child is persistently late this will be followed up by Newham’s Attendance Officers. Holidays are not authorised during term time, however if you need to take your child out of school for urgent reasons please submit your request to the Main School Office.

The times of sessions are as follows:

Morning session: 8.20 am to 11.20 am
Afternoon session: 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm

Morning session: 8.20 am to 11.30 am
Afternoon session: 12.30 pm to 2.50 pm

Key Stage 1 
Morning session: 8.20 am to 11.45 am
Afternoon session: 12.45 pm to 2.50 pm

Key Stage 2 - Y3 & Y4 
Morning session: 8.20 am to 12.15 pm
Afternoon session: 1.15 pm to 2.50 pm

Key Stage 2 - Y5 & Y6 
Morning session: 8.20 am to 12.30 pm
Afternoon session: 1.30 pm to 2.50 pm

All children  from Y1 - Y6 have a short break in the morning. Children in Reception follow the EYFS curriculum and join in the KS1 morning break as part of their summer term transition.

We deliver a school week of 32.5 hours a week for all pupils from Reception  - Y6s. This time includes morning breaks and lunch time. Children in Nursery receive 15 hours of provision.

Arrivals and Departures Procedures

Our school will give a warm and friendly welcome to each child on arrival and ensure that they depart safely at the end of each session.


It is the responsibility of staff to ensure that an accurate record is kept of all children in school, and that any arrival or departure to and from the premises is recorded in the school office. Similarly, when a child arrives late, parents/children must report to the Office.

Registration records remain on SIMs for reference.

All class teachers from Reception - KS1 will be at their assigned gate for an 8.20 am start to the day each morning. 

In this way information can be shared between home and school at the beginning of each session to ensure children’s welfare is given high priority. Parents/carers are asked to make an appointment at the office to discuss any concerns that may require additional discussion time. Pupils in KS2 will enter from their relevant gates independently. Nursery parents can accompany their child to the nursery garden gate at the start of Nursery.

Registration will take place from 8.20 am - 8.30 am.  
A member of the Leadership or Pastoral Team will supervise entry and exit through each school gate. Gates will close at 8.30am. Children arriving after the gates have closed MUST come into school via the main office and will register with staff at the ‘Late Desk.’ This is the most efficient mode of arrival for children arriving after 8.30am.


The main gates to the school will be locked at 8.30am.

The main pedestrian gate at the front of the school will be used during the day to restrict access and protect the staff and children.

At 2.45pm the main gates will be unlocked and will be re-locked by 3.00pm when the majority of the children have left the premises. The main car park gates will remain closed but unlocked for staff to exit the site using their ID.

Parents/carers and children are not allowed to use the main car park gates at any time.


Children will exit the school building at 2.50pm. Pupils will be dismissed from the classroom door.

All children not collected within 10 minutes are to be taken to the reception ‘Late Desk.’ Late desk will be supervised each day by a member of the Leadership Team or a member of the Pastoral Team.

If the children are to be collected by someone other than the parent/carer, this must be indicated to a member of staff as soon as possible. The adult nominated to collect a child must be one of those named by the parent. Only adults – aged 16 years and over – and with suitable identification, will be authorised to collect children in Year N, Year R, Year 1 and Year 2. Children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 must be collected by a competent adult or child aged 14 or over. 

The school reserves the right to refuse permission for a child to walk home alone depending on the distance and concerns the school may have at that time.

Permission and arrangements for children in Years 5 and 6 to leave school alone at the end of the day will be confirmed in writing by the parent/carer. The school reserves the right to refuse permission for a child to walk home alone depending on the distance and concerns the school may have at that time.

All children must be collected from after school clubs by an adult unless written permission is given for the child to walk home.

No adult other than those named will be allowed to leave the school with a child. In the event that someone else should arrive without prior knowledge, the school will telephone the parent/carer immediately and await their advice.

Illness and Accidents