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Winsor Primary School

British Values


British Values Statement


At Winsor Primary School, we embrace diversity and promote fundamental British values in order to prepare children to live in a multicultural and multi-faith modern Britain.

Our broad and balanced curriculum actively promotes the fundamental
British values of:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Winsor Primary School’s values (Respect, Enjoyment, Determination,
Collaboration and Responsibility) relate to the fundamental British values
and by continuously implementing them we ensure that each member of
the school community is respected and appreciated.

Children at Winsor have opportunities to reflect on these values each day
during our assemblies and reflection time. These values are also explored
during regular events, such as Cultural Week or the Anti-Bullying Week.
Pupils are taught to recognise the difference between right and wrong, understand the consequences of their behaviour and respect the law of

Pupils are taught to recognise the difference between right and wrong.

During different lessons (for example: PSHE, RE or English sessions) children are encouraged to investigate moral and ethical issues and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues. P4C approach enables pupils to hear a variety of views and respond to them in a respectful manner which takes into consideration individual liberty and tolerance of those with different beliefs.

Children work collaboratively, not only within their classes, but also across the year
groups and phases.

Pupils’ voice is considered to be very important and children have
significant influence on what happens in the school’s community. They are interviewed on a regular basis and our School Council promotes democratic processes. The democratically elected members discuss a variety of topics during their fortnightly meetings. Children work collaboratively, not only within their classes, but also across the year groups and phases. Winsor’s Play Leaders, Peer Mediators and buddies support children and reinforce the importance of the fundamental British values in our school’s community.

Children have a good understanding of the importance of rules and know why they should follow them. 

Children are taught about the law within different subjects and they follow clear and consistent school’s rules related to a range of areas, such as behaviour, games or visiting places of worship.

The spiritual development of children at Winsor is promoted by
encouraging them to reflect on the values and beliefs that underpin the
democratic, multicultural and multi-faith British society. Children learn
about different religions and the similarities and differences between
them. Children learn about individual rights and responsibilities including
respect and valuing differences in the way people choose to live in modern
British society. An interest in exploring, improving understanding of, and
showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity is mainly
developed through the RE Curriculum and the Personal Social and
Citizenship Education themes.

At Winsor Primary School, the fundamental British values of democracy,
the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those
with different faiths and beliefs are actively promoted in order to prepare
pupils for the responsibilities and opportunities of life in modern Britain.