At Winsor, we believe that all children are capable of developing a deep understanding of mathematics.
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein
We believe in a growth mindset, using a mastery approach to ensure that all children make progress in the fundamentals of maths.
Planning from this mastery mindset means children move through their maths learning content at the same pace, focused around quality first teaching. Differentiation is through depth rather than through acceleration of content. Teaching this way allows our learners to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. This deep understanding of maths is supported by the use of CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) materials so that learning is made real for all children. The use of manipulatives, as a scaffold for learning, is in place throughout the school, meaning that children have a foundation to build their knowledge of maths upon.
Mathematics teaching is taught in most instances as an isolated subject. However, we believe that children need to recognise how important it is in real life. We ensure that maths is used across the curriculum, notably in Science, PE, Computing and Geography. This ensures that children have a broad understanding of every area of maths and opportunities to apply their knowledge practically.
One of the key aims of the maths curriculum is that all children become fluent mathematicians who can both reason, problem solve and make connections within maths.
In order for children to be proficient in reasoning and problem solving they first need to be able to quickly recall key facts such as their number bonds and times tables. We use White Rose’s 1-Minute Maths and Times Table Rockstars at Winsor to encourage children to fluency of these facts at home and at school. Parents are encouraged to use this alongside their children and help them learn their tables together.
Below are links to the maths overviews for Y1-Y6.