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Winsor Primary School

Early Years / Foundation Stage

Our Early Years Curriculum is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage.

It's planned to lead smoothly into the National Curriculum at KS1 in a way in which is relevant and meaningful to all children.

At Winsor we actively promote the four guiding principles of the Early Years Framework, which shapes our practice:

A Unique Child

 We observe each child’s development and learning, assess their progress and plan for next steps. We support children in developing a positive sense of their own identity and culture. We identify any need for additional support, and value and respect all children and families equally.

Positive Relationships

We believe that ‘Key Person’ relationships are fundamental in supporting each child’s well-being and development in the Early Years.

Enabling Environments

We offer stimulating resources in a rich learning environment, which is relevant to all the children’s cultures and communities. We value a learning environment both inside and outside the classroom, which is carefully organised to enable children to develop and demonstrate the Characteristics of Effective Learning. Adults support children in playing and exploring, active learning and developing creativity and critical thinking.

Learning & Development

We ensure that children access challenging, playful opportunities across all areas of learning and development.

The Early Years Curriculum at Winsor

Within the Early Years, children develop their learning through planned purposeful play and a balance of adult-led and child initiated learning.

The Early Years Foundation Stage consists of seven areas of learning and development. Within each area there are a number of Early Learning Goals which children will achieve and exceed by the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Prime Areas

The prime areas reflect the key skills all children need to develop and learn effectively.

They work together and run through and support learning in all other areas. They are most essential for children’s development.

The Prime Areas are:

  • Communication and Language (CL)
  • Physical Development (PD)
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

Specific Areas

The specific areas grow out of the prime areas, and provide important contexts for learning.

The Specific Areas are:

  • Literacy (L)
  • Mathematics (M)
  • Understanding of the World (KUW)
  • Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)

Curriculum overview for Nursery

You can learn more about the programme of study in the Nursery by using the link below to see our curriculum map.


Nursery curriculum map 2023 - 2024