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Winsor Primary School

Our Performance


Our school performance is compared with that of others schools through our Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) results and how our pupils improve during their time at Winsor. Please click on the links to view our latest pupil data. Please note that these results are not current.

At the end of Key Stages 1 and 2 all pupils in Years 2 and 6 are assessed by means of SATs (Standard Assessment Tests). Year 2 pupils are assessed by their teacher in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science.

Year 6 pupils are tested in Reading, Writing, Maths & Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling. It is expected that Year 2 & Year 6 pupils of average ability will achieve the Expected Level.

Further information about our school's performance can be found on the DfE website.

School performance table


Pupils are proud to attend Winsor Primary School. They enjoy the range of opportunities they are given by staff that support their learning...Pupils said that they love reading books from the school's library. They like listening to their teachers read to them in regular library sessions. pupils enjoy their learning and work hard to meet their teachers' expectations of them.

To read our latest Ofsted report in full, please click the link below:

Winsor Primary School Ofsted Report