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Winsor Primary School

SEN/ Inclusion

Winsor is a fully inclusive primary school in the London Borough of Newham and follows the inclusive policy of all Newham schools.

Inclusion looks at the needs of all pupils; children with learning disabilities, children who are Gifted and Talented, children who have English as an additional language, children who find it difficult to control their behaviour and children with social and emotional needs.


At Winsor we adopt the following principles regarding successful inclusive education, taken from the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs 2014 and fully endorsed by the London Borough of Newham.

Winsor Primary School wholeheartedly adopts the fundamental principles of the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs, namely that:

  • Children with SEN should be offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education including the foundation stage curriculum, the national curriculum and the Government/ Ofsted guidelines for teaching children who are attaining significantly below age related expectations, known as the P scales
  • A child with SEN should have their needs met, where possible in mainstream schools or other appropriate settings
  • The views of the pupil should be sought and taken into account in plans and reviews
  • Parent(s)/ carer(s) have a vital role to play in the education of their child and should have their views sought and taken into account in plans and reviews
  • All teachers are teachers of SEN. Teaching such pupils is a whole school responsibility, shared by all those with a role in the pupils education

Special Educational Needs

The school may seek advice from external professionals by gaining the permission from parents and then completing a referral form.  If external professionals become involved with a child, they will be considered to have special educational needs.

Termly review meetings will be held to set and evaluate targets, laid out in a support plan. Those present at this review meeting would include the SENCo/Inclusion Manager, the parents or carers, the class teacher and the pupil.  External professionals that have worked with the child sometimes also attend. All stakeholders will be expected to support the child to meet their targets.

Our Special Educational Needs Information Report sets out what we provide for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities throughout their time with us and on to the next stage of their education.

Gifted and Talented

Winsor is keen to promote the learning and skills of children deemed as being Gifted and Talented whether it be on the academic side or the arts and sports.

Children from Winsor have participated in a number of projects that have included The Brilliant Club, National Young Mathematicians Awards and a Spelling Bee competition.

Children with English as an Additional Language

Winsor is a multi-ethnic school and promoting equality is one of our highest priorities throughout the whole school. We have high expectations of all our pupils and we aim to give them the opportunity to achieve the highest possible outcomes. We wish for the children to be fully integrated into Winsor and its British values.  Alongside this, we help all children to develop a sense of personal and cultural identity that is confident, open to change, receptive and respectful towards other people.

 The teaching takes into account pupils' cultural and religious backgrounds, linguistic needs and varying learning styles. We create an environment where pupils feel safe and feel they can contribute fully, and where all feel respected and valued.

Behaviour, Social and Emotional Needs

Inclusion takes into account all the needs of the children and these include how a child behaves. Winsor promotes an ethos towards positive behaviour management and the children and staff are encouraged to use the ‘Good to be green’ behaviour chart. The social and emotional needs of our pupils need to be carefully considered to enable them to reach their full potential. To help us achieve this, Winsor has Learning Mentors who support children across the school in a variety of ways. A major role of the Learning Mentors is to run regular sessions, either with individual pupils or small groups, to support the developmental, social and emotional needs of our pupils. We also have a school counsellor who provides sessions for our more vulnerable pupils once a week.

Speech and Language Needs

In order to boost the school’s Core NHS offer for Speech and Language (S&L), Winsor buys in an additional S&L Therapist for two days a week. Following permission gained from parents, our therapist supports pupils with speech and language needs in a numbers of ways including running a range of groups, training support staff to deliver specific programmes and working with teachers to develop strategies to use in class.

For further information regarding SEN, please contact the school’s Inclusion Manager, Sunita Widlake or the school SENCo, Cheryl Wardley, on 02074762323 or email the school at info@winsor.newham.sch.uk. Should you not be happy with your child’s provision, please refer to the school’s Complaints Policy.

Newham Council website - SEN and the Local Offer

Inclusion Matters Newsletter - June 2022