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Winsor Primary School

RE & Collective Worship

Religious Education

“Taught well, it can open minds and bring alive the thought processes that lead to deeper understanding and greater awareness of the world and global challenges. Learnt well, it can give each and every one of our children and young people sound knowledge, great skills and positive attributes for now and for life.” 

Jane Moon

At Winsor, we follow the Newham Agreed Syllabus for RE.

Our aim is to prepare children to be reflective and knowledgeable citizens in a multi-faith environment. The provision for Religious Education helps pupils explore their place in the world and think about their values.  The intent of our teaching is to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development of our pupils and of society by encouraging an exploration of aspects of religion and human experience which raise fundamental questions of belief and value. RE is taught in an inclusive manner, promoting respect for all. We aim to make it intellectually challenging and personally enriching.

Our goal is to promote the fundamental British Values through RE and our high-quality RE lessons help pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain. We fulfil the prevent duty.  Our intent is to involve children in high quality dialogues about their learning and to encourage them to ask significant questions about life. RE learning is knowledge - rich but also involves lots of application of skills in order to help our pupils become well-rounded individuals. Pupils are familiar with the British Values. They are also confident in discussing our school’s values. Their sense of belonging is nurtured, for example through undertaking actions as members of our house teams.

We celebrate a variety of festivals and talk about them during our assemblies. Each year, children take part in Cultural Week during which they explore different religions and show their understanding through art and creative writing. Each of our assemblies includes collective worship through the daily moment of reflection that helps children think about significant values. Pupils have plenty of opportunities to develop a variety of skills, for example their oracy abilities during our poetry assemblies. Their achievements are celebrated each week. 

Children’s learning is enriched through educational workshops (for example when we invite visitors) and visits to a variety of places of worship and their work is displayed in the school for others to appreciate and reflect on. Moreover, pupils have opportunities to learn about children’s rights (described in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) because Winsor is working with UNICEF in order to become a Rights Respecting School and we have already gained the Bronze Award. 

Use the link below to read a summary of the new Newham agreed R.E syllabus.

Newham agreed R.E Syllabus - summary

You can also read the full version of the Newham agreed syllabus by using the link below

Newham agreed R.E Syllabus 

Below is a link to the R.E overview for each year group.

R.E overview