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Winsor Primary School

School Uniform

At Winsor Primary School, we are very proud of our school and prouder still of our new school uniform and we expect all of our children to take pride in their appearance.

Wearing correct school uniform is something we expect of all of our children; it is comfortable and smart and means we belong to this school.

Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct uniform and that all items of clothing and footwear are labelled with your child’s name.  Below you can find information about what uniform you child must wear to school, unless stated as optional. We strongly encourage all our children from Reception - Year 6 to have at least one  grey jumper/cardigan with the school logo on, but we do accept plain items from local retailers.

In Nursery we also accept plain Navy sweatshirts and encourage children to have at least one sweatshirt with the school logo on.

Nursery Uniform

  • Navy blue sweatshirt with Winsor Logo/ plain navy blue sweatshirt
  • White polo shirt / white polo shirt with Winsor logo optional
  • Grey shorts/trousers/skirt or pinafore dress or grey/navy blue jogging bottoms
  • Plain grey socks/ tights (knee length socks should not go above the knee)
  • Black school shoes (not trainers)
  • A navy gingham checked dress can be worn in summer accompanied by white ankle socks

Items with the school logo can be purchased from Fashion Stop. You can find the prices here.

Winsor Primary School Uniform - Reception - Year 6

  • Grey jumper or cardigan with Winsor logo/ grey jumper or cardigan
  • A Winsor tie 
  • White shirt or blouse 
  • Grey shorts/ trousers/ skirt or pinafore dress (not jogging bottoms)
  • Plain grey socks/ tights (knee length socks should not go above the knee) - 
  • Black school shoes (not trainers)
  • A navy gingham checked dress can be worn in summer accompanied by white ankle socks

Items with the school logo can be purchased from Fashion Stop. You can find the prices here.


  • navy blue shorts
  • a plain t-shirt displaying school logo (optional) linked to the colour of their House Team
  • a pair of plimsolls – velcro fastenings are essential for younger children
  • navy jogging bottoms for outdoor lessons in cold weather

Items with the school logo can be purchased from Fashion Stop. You can find the prices here.

Support with school uniform


We also offer opportunities for families to get pre-loved uniform through the school, or some new uniform items if needed and entitled to Pupil Premium funding. Please speak to the school office or pastoral team if you need further support with this.